๐Ÿ” Filtering Contacts

Filters allow you to refine your search by specifying conditions. The API filters are structured as an array of objects, where each object represents a filter condition.

  • Each filter object must have theses attributes:

    • property: The property of the contact to filter by (e.g., "name");

    • operator: The comparison operator (e.g., "eq" for equals, "ne" for not equals);

      • The available operators are:

        neNot equal
        ltLess than
        gtGreater than
        leLess than or equal
        geGreater than or equal
        ninNot in
    • value: The value to compare the property against (e.g., "Jane Doe").

  • You can specify multiple filter objects in the filters array to combine multiple conditions.

Here's an example cURL with filters applied:

curl --location 'http://apiurl.com/contacts/?filters[0][property]=Name&filters[0][operator]=eq&filters[0][value]=Jane%20Doe&filters[1][property]=Email&filters[1][operator]=eq&filters[1][value]=jane_doe%40test.com' \
--header 'x-api-key: {your-api-key}'

This URL retrieves contacts with the name "Jane" and email "jane_doe@example.com"