๐Ÿ™ Intro

Welcome to the documentation for the tickets feature of our API. This feature allows you to access and filtering tickets. To ensure security and proper authorization, all endpoints require authentication through an API key. You can obtain the API key by contacting our support team.

๐Ÿ”’ Authentication

To access any of the contacts feature endpoint, you must provide a valid API key in all your requets.

To know more about out authentication methods you can access the Authentication document.

:globe-with-meridians: Endpoints

:notebook-with-decorative-cover: Filters, Pagination and Sorting

To filter contacts you can use the GET /tickets endpoint with the filters based on specific search criteria and use the pagination and sort to organize your result as you wish.

:green-book: Available Filters

numbernumberTicket number
summarystringTicket summary
channel.namestringTicket channel name
channel.idstringTicket channel ID
status.namestringStatus name
status.idstringStatus ID
type.namestringTicket type name
type.idstringTicket type ID
requester.namestringTicket initiator's name
requester.emailstringTicket initiator's email
group.namestringThe group's name to which the ticket belongs
createdAtDateTicket open date. Ex: '2023-10-05T00:00:00-03:00'
updatedAtDateTicket updated date. Ex: '2023-10-05T00:00:00-03:00'
interactionsCountnumberTicket interactions quantity

To know more about how to use these filtering and organization tools look at these documents:

You can use the sorting (sort), pagination (page and limit), and filtering (filters) features together to tailor your API queries and retrieve precisely the data you need.